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Upcoming Special Event

My week with Rajan (16-24 January and 26-30 January 2023)

Besides an intensive teaching time behind the scenes of Rajan's daily practice in Mumbai, there is also the possibility to attend a retreat led by him afterwards. I remember well how formative my first visit to Theothersong Academy was, a time of intense learning but also of meeting friends and colleagues. Downlaod the PDF with all details.

ONE WISH Conference

In May this year a 2nd successful international WISH online conference took place. The presentations from our WISH colleagues were again on a very high level and the feedback to the conference was excellent. Recordings of the 2021 and 2022 congresses are now available for rental on the WISH website: https://www.wish4healing.net


The Right Brain Approach in Homeopathy (by Dinesh Chauhan)

Recently, Dinesh's latest book has been published. I am happy to forward his announcement to you. "The Right Brain approach in homoeopathy is a book born from years of thinking, deep personal experience, and innovative experiments, that guided me to create a further foundational step during the case witnessing process, where people can safely let go of their left brain and heartily embrace their right brain expressions that are rooted in their non-logical, spontaneous, subconscious true and innermost core thus making the case witnessing journey more and more human-centric, deeper and complete towards their holistic pattern." Learn more about the book here: https://swasthyahealing.com/the-right-brain-approach-in-homoeopathy-2/

Flowering Plants (by Annette Sneevliet)

Our popular speaker Annette has also recently released a really interesting publication. In her practical guide she explains how to reach the sensation level and she also guides us through the subclasses within dicotyledonous plants and the themes of monocots. Learn more about the book here: https://www.narayana-verlag.com/Flowering-Plants-Annette-Sneevliet/b24775

Saturday February 25th, 2023
Monday April 4th, 2022


World Institute for Sensation Homeopathy

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