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with Anne Schadde, Rajan Sankaran, Michal Yakir, Dinesh Chauhan, Resie Moonen, Susan Sonz, Massimo Mangialavori & Farokh Master.

From June 16-18, 2023, the 33rd Munich Homeopathy Days was held in the lecture hall of the Hospital for Naturopathic Medicine on the topic of autoimmune diseases. The congress featured renowned international speakers who apply various homeopathic approaches in their practices. Some of these speakers are known for their pioneering work in research, systematics and homeopathic remedies understanding.

Dr. Jürgen Hansel has organised the Munich Homeopathy Days for over 30 years. In his introductory speech, he underscored the challenging times for homeopathy, which continues to have a difficult time in the public eye. However, he also emphasised the enormous healing potential of homeopathy, both during the pandemic and in the treatment of severe pathologies. In the past, Dr. Rajan Sankaran repeatedly called for action when times looked bleak for homeopathy. Among other things, the founding of TOS (The Other Song Academy) as well as the founding of WISH (World Institute for Sensation Homeopathy) can be traced back to him. It was also his initiative to invite to this special congress in Munich.

A long-time colleague wrote to Dr. Jürgen Hansel that the seminar announcement read like the "Woodstock of Homeopathy". It reminded her of the great music festival from the 70s in the last century, which took place under the motto "3 days of peace and music". This figurative comparison was very apt, because in the now following contributions we were allowed to witness a three-day festival of homeopathy, in which a group of extraordinary artists showed us the potential of a fascinating healing method.

Day 1

Anne Schadde In her opening lecture "Trauma and Autoimmune Process - the Inner Story" Anne took us on an exciting homeopathic journey. She began by discussing the possible causes of autoimmune diseases and highlighted, among other things, the fact that 10% of the world's population suffers from autoimmune diseases and that, according to orthodox medical opinion, these are considered incurable. Those who know Anne, know that she always attaches great importance to understanding the inner, individual story when accompanying patients. Stress, panic and psychological conflicts that are unresolved often appear later as symptoms of illness in the body. The conflict with the outer world enters the inner. In her approach Anne combines, among other things, elements from Analytical Psychology (shadow work and its integration) with the application of the Sensation Method, in the practice of which she has long been considered a pioneer. Before she presented us with three very convincing case studies on the topic, Anne once again highlighted the difference between emotions and sensation. While emotions are triggered by thought processes in the mind, vital sensations (sensations and functions) are perceived in the body. Following her concept of presenting different patterns of life, Anne began by presenting a patient with Morbus Basedow, whose autoimmune process was halted with a marine remedy from the animal kingdom. Her remedy was Medusa, which showed up in the repertorisation along with Sepia and Cypraea eglantina. Arguments in favour of a marine remedy included lack of identity, defencelessness, and high sensitivity, which can resemble a plant. As with all her case studies, Anne presented long-term follow-ups to the astonished audience in each case, convincingly demonstrating the healing or reversal of the autoimmune process (against itself). In the 2nd case study, the patient with Systematic Lupus Erythematodes (SLE) was given the gas Ammonium causticum. With the remedy, she gained strength and showed significantly more presence. In the last case study, the patient received various gemstones over a period of 10 years: Lapis lazuli, Chrome tourmaline, Ruby. The diagnosis in 2011 was Myeltitis transversa with a very poor prognosis. In the last video follow-up we saw a happy and radiant woman freed from autoimmune disease.

Dinesh Chauhan

"Interview techniques in severe pathologies such as SLE." Dinesh Chauhan from Mumbai followed with a presentation by another experienced and popular speaker from the WISH group. Dinesh has been working on the deeper understanding of plant remedies for the last years. In what he calls the "integrative multidimensional approach", he approaches known and unknown plants on as many levels as possible. In addition to the leading symptoms, characteristics, sensations, natural habitat, he also tries to understand the chemical constituents of the plants in their entirety. He demonstrates his approach to understanding remedies vividly using some composite plants. For example, he highlights the anti-inflammatory and anti-neoplastic mode of action of the chemical substance Helenalin, which we find in Arnica, but also in other composite plants. In a first case example with Rheumatoid arthritis, he describes the patient's condition during an acute Covid19 infection. Key words such as, "injured, wounded, traumatised, violation of the integrity of mind and body," led to the prescription of Echinacea purpurea. With a compelling case example of a 7-year-old boy suffering from the autoimmune disease Alopecia totalis, Dinesh prescribed the remedy Paris quadrifolia (Liliaceae). The abnormalities here were clearly in the mind area. Keywords: tells the craziest, funniest things, extreme loquacity without logical context.

Michal Yakir

As the last speaker of a really intense first day of the congress, we had the pleasure to listen to the plant expert Michal Yakir. In her lecture "Triticum species as remedies of our time", Michal used case studies to underline the importance of wheat species in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. A patient with Crohn's disease was successfully treated by her with Triticum vulgaris. Wheat belongs to the order Poales (sweet grasses). Why the remedy is so important in our modern times, Michal explained to us by means of the topics within her plant tables, which are based on the taxonomic system of the 6 subclasses according to Cronquist system. The sweet grasses belong here to the 4th subclass. They represent a new miasm for all kinds of nutritional disorders, dealing with the different forms of deficiency: mother(love), food, up to the lack of stable roots. In Michal's differentiated plant tables, in addition to the 6 subclasses, there is also a division into different series. Here the wheat stands as a monocotyledonous plant (Monocots) at the beginning of the development in the 1st row. This stands for the younger stage, it tries to find a balance between giving and receiving. They need the nourishing which can arise from relationships.

Day 2

Dr. Farokh Master

Dr. Farokh Master, an excellent clinician and expert in materia medica, opened the second day of the congress. He runs a hospital in India where he has gained a lot of clinical experience with severe pathologies. In his lecture "Rheumatoid arthritis, case management, case examples, new materia, new rubrics" he gave the audience very valuable tips in the handling of autoimmune diseases. Using a first case example, Dr. Farokh introduced us to a 78-year-old female patient with acute deterioration of chronic rheumatoid arthritis. The patient was in a wheelchair and was admitted as an emergency with high fever, delirium, and severe pain. Other acute symptoms included severe thirst at night, indifference during her fever, fever with dry-burning heat, night sweats, red eyes with lachrymation, white-coated tongue, headache < sound and better with rest. Many of the symptoms pointed to Chininum sulfuricum, with which Dr. Farokh started therapy in the potency C 200. With frequent remedy repetitions, which are very important in acute treatment for the experienced practitioner, the patient already experienced good improvement. When no further improvement was observed, he switched to potency 1M. This potency change resolved the acute event completely until a second layer of disease appeared. This time by the appearance of an abscess that had formed around an inflamed joint. The abscess was resolved with Guaiacum in ascending potencies followed by Propilaminum (distilled herring brine). In the further course of treatment, new layers of disease appeared, for which the patient received Ledum palustre (Ericaceae), Arbutus andrachne (Strawberry tree, Ericaceae), Baptisia tinctora (Fabaceae), Dulcamara and Colchicum. The leading and key symptoms of the above-mentioned remedies were indicative of the choice. Finally, the chronic layer appeared, for which Dr. Farokh prescribed Lithium carbonicum to the patient. In the course of the case, the autoimmune process stopped and all allopathic medicines could be discontinued. Not only the confidence in the case course of this serious pathology , but also the loving supportive way of treatment impressed the audience very much.

Susan Sonz

The next speaker we heard was Susan Sonz, director of the School of Homeopathy New York. She presented us with three case histories of autoimmune diseases, for each of which she prescribed three different remedies from the 3 kingdoms. All case samples were solved by using different case taking methodologies. Either via the repertory and the rubrics, or via the systematic correspondence to a kingdom, family-subfamily. In her case samples, Susan tries whenever possible to lead her patients to the sensation and to the source. She was able to demonstrate this approach vividly with a case example of a 45-year-old patient with an autoimmune reaction. The patient had developed chronic hives after touching the leaves of a poison ivy (Rhus radicans) while gardening in warm temperatures. In the case, the following key words, among others, led to the remedy: soft, slippery, sticky, mucilaginous, gelatinous. The remedy was Medusa (Aurelia aurita). Medusa is a traditionally important remedy for hives.

Resie Moonen

With Dr. Resie Moonen and her presentation on Lanthanides, the audience was eager to hear another very experienced speaker in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Resie's cases particularly reflected her expertise in understanding the different elements of the periodic table and she was able to explain complex chemical compounds simply in her presentations. In her first case, Resie presented a woman whose rheumatoid arthritis she had stopped 10 years earlier with the help of a lanthanide. Unfortunately, after a Corona vaccination, her rheumatism flared up again. With the help of the vaccination Nosode (Moderna) and the subsequent administration of her chronic remedy Praeseodymium phosphoricum, the rheumatic attacks came to a halt again and the orthodox medication could be discontinued once more. The audience was deeply impressed when Resie told about a 10-year-old boy with PANDAS (Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections). An autoimmune disease that primarily attacks the basal ganglia in the brain. It causes brain inflammation in the regions responsible for motor control, behaviour and emotions. The boy was very underweight, hypersensitive on all levels and also very suspicious at the beginning of treatment. He was extremely perfectionistic and showed compulsive behaviours. The administration of neuroleptics by the psychiatrist did not bring any improvement in the situation. For the very serious condition Resie prescribed the lanthanide Dysprosium bromatum. After only 5 months, there was a clear mental stability and the boy had already gained a few kilos in weight. The happy mother said that she could now recognise her child from before. 5 years after the start of treatment, the highly intelligent boy was completely stable and without any further orthodox medication.

Day 3

Dr. Massimo Mangialavori

The last day of the congress was opened by Dr. Massimo Mangialavori. His lecture was entitled "Experiences with some Arnica-like remedies in autoimmune diseases." From the speaker's point of view, the core themes and key words of Arnica-like remedies can often be found in patients with autoimmune diseases: Reluctance to be touched (physically and emotionally), invulnerability, dignity and denial of the disease process, personality profiles resemble the classic "martial iron men." They are people who often ignore their feelings, always fight and like to carry on as if nothing had happened. In a first case of a 14-year-old boy with Iridocyclitis in junvenile idiopathic arthritis, the boy had extreme difficulty accepting his disease and struggled massively against it. Despite his frostiness, he tried to numb the pain with ice. In addition to the mental picture, he had a sciatic pain typical of the composite Gnaphalium polycephalum: pain associated with numbness. Also in the following case of Helianthus annus (sunflower), the patient denied the existence of her autoimmune disease and fought vehemently against it. She tried to project an image of perfection and to always set a good example in life. Distinct patterns of disease denial and "Noli me tangere" (reluctance to be touched) could also be observed in the final cases on Eupatorium perfolitatum and Eupatorium purpureum. Besides the common mental attitude, all case samples showed choice-indicating symptoms on the physical level, which led to the individually indicated daisy.

Dr. Rajan Sankaran

As the closing speaker, Rajan introduced us to his concept of Superclasses. This concept, derived from the 6 botanical Subclasses within the Cronquist taxonomy, also includes mineral and animal remedies, as well as nosodes and sarcodes. Each Superclass represents a central behavioural pattern and represents the patient's internal response pattern to outside influences. Coupled with the WISE process (Witnessing the Inner Song Experience), which serves as a tool to better identify the Superclasses and the inner response pattern, the determination of the Superclass is an important first anchor point in understanding the patient. Over the years, Rajan has refined his concept more and more, and through the understanding of the Superclasses, a kind of navigation system emerges. This is composed of the intersection of the Superclass (the central pattern of reaction), the kingdom/subkingdom (the nature of the reaction), and the miasm (tempo, degree of distress). In this way, the remedy can be narrowed down and determined much more clearly. Using impressive illustrations, which have also found their way into Rajan's latest book "Superclasses in Homeopathy", he took us through the various energy patterns of the 6 Superclasses using examples.

At the of the a very special conference a panel discussion with all lecturers took place. Here there was room to answer the previously collected questions from the audience and the online participants. Finally, a three-day celebration of homeopathy came to an end, which lived up to the spirit of Woodstock in many ways. Among other things, the successfully implemented hybrid concept, with the translation provided in different languages, was able to reach many participants worldwide. It was a touching celebration of mutual appreciation with much homeopathic expertise and moving case samples. As a bonus, all participants had the opportunity to watch the recorded lectures at home.

Jürgen Weiland info@juergen-weiland.de


World Institute for Sensation Homeopathy

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